Quick Eggless Chocolate Cake (with Parle-G biscuits)


If you are looking for a cake recipe that does not require eggs, or baking, and which is also quick, you are at the right place. I come from a family where we do not use egg in cooking due to religious restrictions. One of my friends happened to tell me once about making a cake with Parle-G biscuits. I experimented by adding some more ingredients to it and it turned out to be a perfect Chocolate cake.

Once you have all the ingredients in hand, it takes exactly 7 minutes to make the cake!!

Equipment you will need: Microwave


Parle-G Biscuits (or any other glucose biscuits) – 1 packet (150gm)

Sugar (powdered) – ¾ cup

Cocoa powder – 3 Tbsp.

Milk – 1 ½ cup

Dry fruits (Almonds, dates, raisins) – 1 Tsp. each

Eno Salt (plain) – 1 sachet

Or you can use 1 Tsp. baking powder

Chocolate icing (optional) – As required

Butter – 1 Tsp (for greasing)



1. Grind 150 gm. of Parle-G biscuits (use the Rs.10 packet) to a fine powder.

2. Chop the dry fruits to smaller pieces.

3. Grease a micro wave bowl with a layer of butter in which you wish to make the cake.

4. Cake Mix: In another bowl, add biscuit powder, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, dry fruits, eno salt and mix.

5. Slowly add milk and keep mixing with the help of a fork or a whisk. Ensure that there are no lumps.  Keep mixing till it reaches a pouring consistency like that of a batter.

6. Immediately transfer the cake mix into the greased micro wave bowl and ensure the batters spreads evenly. Cook on high in the microwave for 5 minutes.

Spicy Rasoiwww.spicyrasoi.wordpress.com    IMG_3518

7. To check if the cake is nicely cooked, put a fork through the cake, it should come out clean.

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8. Un-mould the cake onto a plate.  Once it cools, apply a layer of chocolate icing all around the cake. Decorate with almond flakes.

9. Refrigerate for some time so that it thickens and serve.


Healthy Cooking Tips:

If you want to make a healthy cake, skip the cocoa powder and chocolate icing. Add 2-3 drops of vanilla essence instead. It tastes just yummy as it is!!